Friday, March 23, 2012

Version 2.5.16 - Jurrasic Warden

- Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
* Tremble
* Silhouette
* Arachna
* Madman
* Zephyr
* Slither

* Succubus
* Tempest
* Blacksmith
* Ophelia
* Glacius
* Empath

* Deadwood
* The Gladiator
* Electrician

- Added new Limited Edition Emerald Warden Alt Avatar: Jurassic Warden
* Complete with raptors, a new trap, and a pterodactyl!

- Added new Courier: Dino Courier

- Queen Bee Monarch effects updated
- Queen Bee Monarch icons added
- Xeno Predator animations updated
- Demonbuster Electrician effects updated

- Some Myrmidon and Kraken gadgets can no longer be selected using TAB
- Gravekeeper and Artesia have been unlocked under Tournament Rules

- Hellflower
* Range reduced from 900 to 800
* Manacost increased from 100 to 200

- Kuldra's Sheepstick
* Reduced the duration of being a sheep from 3.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds
* Reduced cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds

- Aluna
* Deja Vu cooldown has been adjusted from 30 to 30/28/26/24
* Emerald Red mana cost has been rebalanced from 75/100/125 to 75

- Arachna
* Precision now gives True Strike to everyone at level 4

- Berzerker
* Carnage bonus damage is now applied to all attacks instead of just enemy units

- Cthuluphant
* Mortifying Presence bonus from a creep kill reduced from 2x to 1.5x
* Mortifying Presence bonus from a hero kill reduced from 3x to 2x
* Obliterate damage reduced from 80/140/200 to 80/130/180

- Moon Queen
* Multi-Strike damage reduction per bounce reduced from 35% to 35/30/25/20%

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