Thursday, June 30, 2011

2.0.37 Patch Notes

 If you crash download the client here:


Version 2.0.37

- You are now able to view other chat channels in the time period between the lobby countdown and the game's start
- You can now hold shift to drag and drop shop items into the quickslots

- Pause functionality cleaned up on the backend
- Vast and unending interface memory reductions
- Fixed account switching not clearing clan / buddy list
- Fixed Frostwolf Skull projectiles with alt avatars

- Added Baby Taunt
- Added new Gold Collection Alt Avatar: Leprechaun Blacksmith

== Items ==

Disassemble business
Charged Hammer no longer allowed
Geometer's Bane no longer allowed
Iron Shield allowed now
Wingbow allowed now

Barrier Idol
- Fixed its active buff so it will reduce SuperiorMagic damage as well

== Heroes ==

- Added a New Hero: Emerald Warden

- Fixed Sear & Harkon's Blade so they will stack

HoN Hero Spotlight: Emerald Warden

Friday, June 17, 2011

2.0.36 Patch Notes


Version 2.0.36
- Added a new hero: Parasite

- Added a new Alt Avatar: Mutant Parasite

- You can no longer touch things (teleporters, items, etc.) while stunned
- Updated some User Interface files with fixes to speed and reliability
- Fixed a bug with stats not displaying for people in a Clan
- Fixed Neutral Creeps in Caldavar stacking 3 times instead of 2
- Fixed a bug with Alchemist Bones' timer when it was dropped on the ground
- Fixed Barrier Idol's and Chipper's ability to properly absorb Superior Magic damage
- Fixed a bug with Keeper of the Forest's invisibility
- Fixed a bug with Silhouette's timers
- Fixed a bug with Corrupted Disciple's drain that made it last forever

HoN Hero Spotlight: Parasite

Friday, June 3, 2011

Version 2.0.33

Version 2.0.33
- Added a new Strength hero: Amun-Ra
- Added a new Alt Avatar: Oni Devourer
- Added a new Alt Avatar: Mermaidon

- Fixed attack projectiles not being invisible when you get Frostwolf Skull on an Alt Avatar
- Fixed a Practice Mode bug when you give yourself items
- Touched up Martyr Voice

- Neutral and lane creeps no longer have any random damage, they now do static amounts of damage